Please note: Instructor locations on the searchable locator map below are based on Google Map’s standard addressing scheme.

  • When searching geographically, use the “Search by Location” function. From the sub-menu choose a distance (e.g., “60 miles of”), then in the pop-up search box enter a zip code or city.
  • For state or country searches, choose “by state/country”, then in the pop-up search box enter the standard 2-digit code for the state, or the full name for the country. In some cases you may be able to enter a 2-digit code for the country as long as that code is unique. (For example, “DE” is the state code in the US for Delaware but it also is the country code for Germany. Therefore, depending on your location, searching DE would yield Delaware instead of Germany.)
  • You can also search the entire instructor list but full or partial names by using the “Search by Name” function.

All currently active GPDIA-certified instructors are listed below the map, presented in alphabetical order by last name.
